The CONTAINS function in DAX has been available since the very first version of the language in 2010. In the evolution of the language, new syntaxes and functions have been added, and several use cases for CONTAINS that were valid many years ago are no longer considered good practice. The goal of this article is to clarify when CONTAINS is a good practice and when there are better alternatives to solve common problems.

The CONTAINS function returns TRUE if a specified value is found in at least one row in the table. For example, the following query checks whether there is at least one row in the Product table where the Color is Red and the Brand is Contoso:

        'Product'[Color], "Red",
        'Product'[Brand], "Contoso"

The same result could have been obtained with the following expression based on ISEMPTY and FILTER, but the CONTAINS version is shorter and might be faster in more complex scenarios. In this simple example, the query plan is identical, and the only difference is the readability of the code:

        FILTER (
            'Product'[Color] = "Red"
                && 'Product'[Brand] = "Contoso"

Like we said, the CONTAINS function can be a good choice when you want to check whether at least one row in a table meets certain conditions in a subset of the columns of the entire table. We have more modern alternatives using IN and TREATAS, but the resulting code for the use case shown is probably harder to read and maintain.

For example, we can write the same condition using IN. That said we need SELECTCOLUMNS to reference only two columns of the table, Color and Brand. However, the query plan is still identical to the previous examples:

    ( "Red", "Contoso" )
            "Color", 'Product'[Color],
            "Brand", 'Product'[Brand]

Using TREATAS makes the code much harder to read, and in this particular case the query plan is also more complex. However, we see later in the article that TREATAS can be a better choice when you implement a virtual relationship pattern:

            TREATAS (
                    ( "Red", "Contoso" )

Better alternatives to CONTAINS

When you do not have a relationship between two tables, you can propagate a filter by using a specific DAX pattern for virtual relationships. In 2012, using CONTAINS was the best practice to implement said technique, but in 2021 it is likely the worst choice among the alternatives we have now.

Here is an example. We disabled the relationship between Sales and Product in the following snippet by using CROSSFILTER. The CONTAINS pattern in the Sales Virtual Relationship CONTAINS measure produces the effect of the missing relationship over the ProductKey column, though with the worst performance:

    MEASURE Sales[Sales Virtual Relationship CONTAINS] =
        CALCULATE (
            [Sales Amount],
            FILTER (
                ALL ( Sales[ProductKey] ),
                CONTAINS (
                    VALUES ( 'Product'[ProductKey] ),
                    'Product'[ProductKey], Sales[ProductKey]
        "Sales Amount", [Sales Amount],
        "Sales Amount CONTAINS", [Sales Virtual Relationship CONTAINS]
    CROSSFILTER ( Sales[ProductKey], 'Product'[ProductKey], NONE )
Category Sales Amount Sales Amount CONTAINS
Audio 30,591,343.98 384,518.16
TV and Video 30,591,343.98 4,392,768.29
Computers 30,591,343.98 6,741,548.73
Cameras and camcorders 30,591,343.98 7,192,581.95
Cell phones 30,591,343.98 1,604,610.26
Music, Movies and Audio Books 30,591,343.98 314,206.74
Games and Toys 30,591,343.98 360,652.81
Home Appliances 30,591,343.98 9,600,457.04

In this case the best practice is to remove the FILTER iterator and use TREATAS to change the data lineage of the list of products retrieved from the filter context. We see this in the following Sales Virtual Relationship TREATAS measure:

    MEASURE Sales[Sales Virtual Relationship TREATAS] =
        CALCULATE (
            [Sales Amount],
            TREATAS (
                VALUES ( 'Product'[ProductKey] ),
        "Sales Amount", [Sales Amount],
        "Sales Amount TREATAS", [Sales Virtual Relationship TREATAS]
    CROSSFILTER ( Sales[ProductKey], 'Product'[ProductKey], NONE )
Category Sales Amount Sales Amount TREATAS
Audio 30,591,343.98 384,518.16
TV and Video 30,591,343.98 4,392,768.29
Computers 30,591,343.98 6,741,548.73
Cameras and camcorders 30,591,343.98 7,192,581.95
Cell phones 30,591,343.98 1,604,610.26
Music, Movies and Audio Books 30,591,343.98 314,206.74
Games and Toys 30,591,343.98 360,652.81
Home Appliances 30,591,343.98 9,600,457.04

TREATAS is a function introduced in 2017 that is not available in Analysis Services 2016 and is not supported in Power Pivot for Excel. If you write code for these products, you can use an equivalent pattern based on INTERSECT that is not as good as the one with TREATAS, but is still better than the one based on CONTAINS:

    MEASURE Sales[Sales Virtual Relationship INTERSECT] =
        CALCULATE (
            [Sales Amount],
            INTERSECT (
                ALL ( Sales[ProductKey] ),
                VALUES ( 'Product'[ProductKey] )
        "Sales Amount", [Sales Amount],
        "Sales Amount INTERSECT", [Sales Virtual Relationship INTERSECT]
    CROSSFILTER ( Sales[ProductKey], 'Product'[ProductKey], NONE )
Category Sales Amount Sales Amount INTERSECT
Audio 30,591,343.98 384,518.16
TV and Video 30,591,343.98 4,392,768.29
Computers 30,591,343.98 6,741,548.73
Cameras and camcorders 30,591,343.98 7,192,581.95
Cell phones 30,591,343.98 1,604,610.26
Music, Movies and Audio Books 30,591,343.98 314,206.74
Games and Toys 30,591,343.98 360,652.81
Home Appliances 30,591,343.98 9,600,457.04

Better alternatives to NOT CONTAINS

The NOT CONTAINS condition can retrieve rows that are not matching a join condition over multiple columns. For example, the following query returns the list of stores in cities with no customers; our sample database has similar cases, we understand that in the real world this condition should be extremely unusual:

        Customer[Continent], Store[Continent],
        Customer[State], Store[State],
        Customer[City], Store[City]

We can write the same syntax using a NOT … IN condition, with no differences in the query plan:

    NOT ( Store[Continent], Store[State], Store[City] )
            "Continent", Customer[Continent],
            "State", Customer[State],
            "City", Customer[City]

However, the previous two techniques are not very efficient in DAX, because it is always better to manipulate filters as tables. Because we want to obtain a list of stores placed in cities with no customers, it is more efficient to create a filter with the list of cities where there are stores and no customers, and use that filter to get the list of stores. The following code uses EXCEPT to remove the list of the cities with customers from the list of the cities with stores. The remaining cities are used to filter the stores:

    EXCEPT (
        SUMMARIZE ( Store, Store[Continent], Store[State], Store[City] ),
        SUMMARIZE ( Customer, Customer[Continent], Customer[State], Customer[City] )

This last example shows that we do not have a specific syntax faster than CONTAINS. We have to transform the filter to obtain the required result by reducing the iterations whenever possible. Because CONTAINS is often used in an iterator, our goal is to remove the iterator rather than focus on an alternative to the CONTAINS function in the same predicate.


The CONTAINS function is often used in many examples created with the first version of the DAX language. Many use cases where CONTAINS was the only option are now better solved with different approaches, in particular when you can replace an iterator with a table function that can be better optimized by the DAX engine.


Returns TRUE if there exists at least one row where all columns have specified values.

CONTAINS ( <Table>, <ColumnName>, <Value> [, <ColumnName>, <Value> [, … ] ] )


Returns true if the specified table or table-expression is Empty.

ISEMPTY ( <Table> )


Returns a table that has been filtered.

FILTER ( <Table>, <FilterExpression> )


Treats the columns of the input table as columns from other tables.For each column, filters out any values that are not present in its respective output column.

TREATAS ( <Expression>, <ColumnName> [, <ColumnName> [, … ] ] )


Returns a table with selected columns from the table and new columns specified by the DAX expressions.

SELECTCOLUMNS ( <Table> [[, <Name>], <Expression> [[, <Name>], <Expression> [, … ] ] ] )

CALCULATE modifier

Specifies cross filtering direction to be used in the evaluation of a DAX expression. The relationship is defined by naming, as arguments, the two columns that serve as endpoints.

CROSSFILTER ( <LeftColumnName>, <RightColumnName>, <CrossFilterType> )


Returns the rows of left-side table which appear in right-side table.

INTERSECT ( <LeftTable>, <RightTable> )


Returns the rows of left-side table which do not appear in right-side table.

EXCEPT ( <LeftTable>, <RightTable> )